
  1. Navas-Portella V., Altadill D., Blanch E., Altadill M., Segarra A., de Paula V., Timoté C.C., Juan J.M., “Estimation of the drift velocity of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles using GNSS and digisonde data”. J. Space Weather Space Clim. 15, 2, 2025. DOI:
  2. Segarra A., Altadill D., de Paula V., Navas-Portella V., “Large scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances climatology over Europe for the period 2014-2023”.  Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. Available as pre-print at ESS Open Archive. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173457203.32250299/v1. (under review)
  3. Ventriglia V., Guerra M., Cesaroni C., Spogli L., Altadill D., Segarra A., Galkin I., Barta V., Verhulst T.G.W., de Paula V., Navas-Portella V., Berényi K.A., Belehaki A., “An Explainable Machine Learning model for Large-Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances forecasting”. Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. Available as pre-print at ESS Open Archive. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173376695.54382526/v1. (under review)
  4. Urbář, J., Chum, J, Rejfek, L., Truhlík, V., Baše, J., Hsiao, T-Y., Kostelecký, J., Liu, J-Y., Chang, L., Guerra, M., Pica, E., Spogli, L., Trýb, J., Bozóki, T., Rusz, J., Mošna, Z., Kouba, D., D. Burešová, “GNSS positioning accuracy degradation during ionospheric disturbances”. Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. (under review)
  5. Habarulema, J. B. Zhang, Y., Lu, G., Buresova, D., Katamzi-Joseph, Z., Buchert, S., Okoh, D., Wu, Q., Borries, C., Fagundes, P.R., Li, R and Z. Qinghe, “The 23-25 March 2023 geomagnetic storm: Ionospheric observations and modeling results over the African-European sector”. 2024JA033515. Submitted to JGR- Space Physics. (under review)
  6. Themelis K., Belehaki A., Koutroumbas K., Segarra A., de Paula V., Navas-Portella V., Altadill D., “Short-term forecast for the occurrence of Large Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances at European middle latitudes using Neural Networks”. Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14537424 (under review)
  7. Barta V., Potužníková K., Koucká Knížová P., Chum J., Mielich J., Guerra M., Buresova D., Mani S., Verhulst T.G.W., Berényi K.A., Altadill D., Segarra A., Kouba D., Mošna Z., Buzás A. Spogli L., Urbář J., de Paula V., Ventriglia V., Belehaki A., “Multi-instrument analysis of MSTIDs generated by an intensive jet-front system with severe convection in Europe in August 2023”. Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. (under review)
  8. Aksonova, K.D., Panasenko, S.V., Buresova, D.,Goncharenko, L.P., Zhangc, S-R., Domnin, I.F., “Magnetically quiet-time traveling ionospheric disturbances over mid-latitude Eastern Europe observed by the Kharkiv incoherent scatter radar during the 24th solar cycle”. 2024JA033583. Submitted to JGR- Space Physics. (under review)
  9. Petra Koucka Knizova et al., "Impacts of storm "Zyprian" on middle and upper atmosphere observed from Central European stations", Remote Sensing, 16, 4338, 2024. DOI:
  10. Zbysek Mošna et al., "The March and April 2023 ionospheric storms over Europe", Front. Astron. Space Sci., Sec. Space Physics, Volume 11, 2024. DOI:
  11. Guerra M., Cesaroni C., Ravanelli M. & Spogli L., "Travelling ionospheric disturbances detection: A statistical study of detrending techniques, induced period error and near real-time observables", J. Space Weather Space Clim. 14, 17, 2024. DOI:
  12. Haralambous, H., M. Guerra, J. Chum, T.G.W. Verhulst, V. Barta, D. Altadill, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, K. Márta, J. Mielich, D. Kouba, D. Buresova, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, J. Rusz, J. Zedník, "Multi-Instrument Observations of Various Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by the 6 February 2023 Turkey Earthquake", Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128, e2023JA031691, 2023, DOI: 10.1029/2023JA031691.
  13. Sergii V. Panasenko, Kateryna D. Aksonova, Dalia Buresova, Oleksandr V. Bogomaz, Taras G. Zhivolup, Oleksandr V. Koloskov, "Large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances over central and eastern Europe during moderate magnetic storm period on 22-24 September 2020", Advances in Space Research, Manuscript Number: AISR-D-23-00785R2, 2023. DOI:
  14. Guerra, M., Cesaroni, C., Spogli, L., & Crespi, M., "Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances detection: a TEC detrending techniques comparison and a study of their impact on extracted parameters". Proceedings of URSI GASS 2023, Sapporo, Japan, 19-26 August 2023. Available at:
  15. Tsagouri, I., Belehaki, A., Koutroumbas, K., Tziotziou, K., Herekakis, T., "Identification of Large-Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) Based on Digisonde Observations". Atmosphere, 14(2):331, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/atmos14020331.
  16. Verhulst, T.G.W., De Franceschi, G., Cesaroni, C., “Ionospheric effects of the Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption of 15 January 2022,” Radio Science Bulletin 378, pp. 95ff., 2023, [downloadable pdf file].